I am not sure if I ever posted this, been busy with other projects, first, I did not swap tracks with the Wildcat, yet but will sometime. 2nd, I had to mod the rear skid to accomidate my back problems and I finally tested it but just in the yard due to lack of snow and lake not frozen but we are having a cold snap finally and it is snowing now. The sled rides like a dream and the only problems I have encountered is when you hammer on it the best you can on 3/4 of an acre, the back end drops alot but very slight wheelies. This test is not conclusive because I need more room. I have the rear springs set in the middle but may go to a stiffer notch. Just to refresh, I took the pro-action skid out and put a skid in from a ZL 800 with 13.5" of travel. I may have the geometry off a bit with the mounting because like I said, when you pin the throttle, it drops alot but I need to be on the lake to test for wheelies. If there is a problem, they make rubber blocks the go in the rear to tie the entire skid but I can't believe the ride and comfort difference, I rode the sled off a culvert at 10 mph and didn't even feel it. I just had to do a lot of measuring and fabricated new brackets to fit in the tunnel for the new bolt holes. I am happy with it so far. Here are some pics...I doesn't sit that high anymore because I had the mounting holes a little off, now nice and can use the full travel. This may cut the top speed down a but I was told but as long as I can ride, no big deal, never did the porting I wanted to do because of lack of funds from medical bills. I will get it done though. The skid is all rebuilt and I polished the rails and clearcoated them and looked perfect when I took it out of storage. I had no choice but to do this due to my back problems. Like I said, it doesn't sit like that 3rd pic anymore. If anyone wants to critisize what I did, please do because I still have the original skid if anyone thinks this was a bad idea. The hard part is trying to find blue wheels for an Arctic Cat skid so I may paint them.
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jaws jr
New member
Really like the blue/white color combo.
How does that phazer seat ride? It looks better on your sled than it does on the phazer.
How does that phazer seat ride? It looks better on your sled than it does on the phazer.
jaws jr
New member
With the 10" bar risers it has a real well balanced riding position, more like the newer sleds. I just got my orange one going after owning it for six years, put 50 miles on and I felt cramped up compared to the white one, and I'm only 5-10
I will have to do some digging for tunnel pics but I think I just remounted the original brackets, That is 1 sweet looking sled!
jaws jr
New member
I had to do this or I wouldn't be able to ride anymore, but, we have had such a weak winter thus far, it didn't matter anyway I guess but it is -2F now so maybe the lake will be safe soon. There was an ice fishing jamboree yesterday and went by the boat launch iand saw a trailer for a 4 wheeler there so someone braved it. Usually, newyears day is a good testing point for the lake but it has been very warm and maybe 3 inches of snow to even get to the lake. Not the best winter. I want to be surprised with a blizzard!