Just picked up a 98 srx700 and it came with a really nice set of egt digitron dt-33 gauges. It also has Bender trail port.....#BR 1343T along with a variflow. My question is with setting the egt limits when i want the alarms to go off. Whats the magic temp number?How high is just right?
I've got mine set to go off at 1300. Not sure there is a right answer. It depends on where your probes are located, how far from piston. Further out you typically get higher readings. You've really gotta see what range your sled runs in... Make a decision from there. Are you in Dryden MI?
Theres a Dryden in Michigan? Cool. No Im from Dryden On. The guy that I bouught it from had them set at 1320. As fas as how far from the piston goes, I didnt install them so I really dont know. Thought the magic # there was 6" from the piston.
New member
There is really no magic number for probe placement. There are recommendations, but overall EGT's will still vary from sled to sled. iirc I have my alarm set at 1200. You need to compare your EGT's with the piston wash. For example you can run the sled with a maintained 1100 EGT, kill the motor clean and check wash. Work your EGT's up a little each time until your happy with the wash. ...................SRXtreme
As stated above, NO ONE can tell you a specific number. You have to verify safe piston wash and plug readings and THEN look at your EGT temps. Above those temp readings are your new indicators to jet "up" for conditions...
Ok lets ask it this way. At what temp does allum melt. Metal is 1750
I have no idea what wash is.....but i do know how to read plugs!!!!
Just would like to have a number ....on the low side ...to start from.
I have no idea what wash is.....but i do know how to read plugs!!!!
Just would like to have a number ....on the low side ...to start from.
Just curious but running off each probe just before it goes into the pipe, theres a black ground wire soldered into the probe. 2 of the 3 wires broke off. When I was bench testing the gauges the black grounds wenrt hooked to anything and when I added heat to each probe, they worked fine. How important are these grounds? They are Digitron DT-33
New member
I have never seen probes with external grounds. I am not sure they even need a ground. The signal travels from the gauge to the probe. The heat in the probe creates different amounts of resistance. The modified signal then travels back to the gauge. If you get erratic readings try hooking up the ground.................SRXtreme