I just picked up a 01 SRX with a fast M-10 suspension. It is not studded. I want to studded it but not sure what size will fit and how many to use. Any recommendation would be helpful.
1.175 or 1.8 depending on brand. 144 up the middle works great for trail. make sure your track is cut for the guards. The guards are designed for a 3/4in track, anything above that will drag, slowing you down and burn gas.
1.175 or 1.8 depending on brand. 144 up the middle works great for trail. make sure your track is cut for the guards. The guards are designed for a 3/4in track, anything above that will drag, slowing you down and burn gas.
more info on this cutting the track for the guards please? just got a 99 with an m10 and want to make sure mine is correct. to the poster-I have a 1.25" hacksaw with 96 studs, riding this weekend ill report back here how it works, hopefully conditions are decent up north.
If you run a 1 1/4 track un cut with guards, the track will drag. The guards need to be reduced in height by 1/2 inch, or the track needs to be clipped over the windows by 1/2in.
If you run any stud over 1.18 with stock 9 tooth drivers, you are living on borrowed time. It can work for a day, a month, a year.
If you run any stud over 1.18 with stock 9 tooth drivers, you are living on borrowed time. It can work for a day, a month, a year.
If you run a 1 1/4 track un cut with guards, the track will drag. The guards need to be reduced in height by 1/2 inch, or the track needs to be clipped over the windows by 1/2in.
If you run any stud over 1.18 with stock 9 tooth drivers, you are living on borrowed time. It can work for a day, a month, a year.
Ok by clipped over the windows by 1/2"? What exactly do you mean?
Also....borrowed time???? Why? Studs contacting front heat exchanger due to size of the stock 9tooth drivers? Or other reason?
New member
The windows on the track are pretty much in line with the tunnel protectors. The lugs need trimmed there so they don't hit the protectors.
The windows on the track are pretty much in line with the tunnel protectors. The lugs need trimmed there so they don't hit the protectors.
so basically what your saying is the lugs on the track need to be trimmed down?
and why borrowed time with the size of stud mentioned earlier? im assuming heat exchanger damage?
yes, loose track, full gas tank, bumpy riding, hunk of ice rolls through your drivers. I also recomend using polaris style tunnel guards, they help keep the gas tank from pushing down on the tunnel. They also don't wear down where they are needed over time like plastic ones do.