Need Help : Pictures of a Bender Racing pipe for phazer 480


New member
Dec 5, 2015
Saguenay, Quebec, Canada
Hi everyone,

I recently bought a used bender racing pipe in realy good shape. the Guy tell me that it was for a phazer but now i doubt.
I install the pipe in the phazer, but i had to cut the stock pipe support that is weld on the frame tube under the fan shroud to install the pipe.
I also had to hammer a bit the interval part of the footrest because to end of the pipe don't want to sit properly on the bottom of the cab.
I had to make an new hole in the side panel the behind the first hinge.

When installed. I jet the stock carb with de 1996 nozzle upgrade. stock pilot jet and 150 main jet.
The sled was pinging a lot when throttle was snapped.
(I ride at 1500-2000ft altitude, around -10 to -20 C.)

Change the carb for Vmax 600 1995. Stock pilot, stock needle jet, needle in the middle 156.3 main.
Good low end response. Rich mid range so i dropped the needle a notch. After this very good low end and mid response. Good plug color.

BUT, every time i snap the throttle to WOT. It ping (detonate) instantly.

From what i read on many forum, 156.3 main jet with these carbs are supossed to be on the rich side.

So i doubt that i have a phazer pipe. But i can confirm this as it have no pictures of these pipe on the net.
I know a few guys on this forum avec a bender racing pipe for the phazer and it will help me a lot to confirm that i have the good pipe on the sled.

HAving a exciter 570 pipe picture would help me so. Because i think its maybe an exciter 570 bender racing pipe.

Thanks a lot for your help guys.
Sorry for all the mistakes i make. Came from Quebec/Canada and speak french :P

Sounds like it's a 570 exciter pipe if it was a phazer pipe you would not have had to do all that modifying to get it in there.
