Idle Screw Setting 1998 SRX 700


New member
Jan 16, 2016
I recently bought a 1998 SRX 700. I took te carbs off to cleam them and followed the Clymer manual. However, the manual had me remove the idle screm and clean the TORS system. It wasn't until I crossed referenced something I did not understand that I noticed I was supposed to record the setting of the idle screw prior to removing. Nothing in the Clymer manual (at least that I saw) about how to set it. Probably something simple but I am a complete sled newby. Any thoughts on how many turns or how to set this?

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I like to start with about 2-3 turns and go up or down from there.
Always adjust it with the break on so it don't take off if something goes wrong or just pick the back of the sled up.
