Exciter 570 ran out of gas, will not start


New member
Jan 25, 2016
Edmonton alberta
SoI just got my first sled this year, it's a 1989 l/c exciter 570 electric start. On the weekend we were out on a long ride, long story short, circumstances had me run out of gas. After refilling the tank it will not start. It looks like there is fuel in the lines at the carbs. It ran great all day up until this point. I'm just wondering if you guys can give me some tips before I go back this weekend and pull off the carbs and airbox and plastic and replace all the lines and test the pump, shut off valve etc. I pulled off the seat and pulled out the pick up line, took off the filter and tried blowing through but nothing would go through. Is that normal?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
Welcome to the site.
Just give the carbs a good cleaning when you ran it out of gas you most likely sucked up some trash and it is clogging up the jets.
Ice in the carbs or fuel pump?? Throw some fuel down the cylinders and see if it will start. I try to never run out of gas on my exciter because it seems to take a million pulls to get it running again.
So I just took off the carbs and gave them a good cleaning again. While the fuel lines were off I gave it a few cranks and fuel is definitely pumping. Still won't start. It will sputter for a few seconds but won't fire up. I tried fuel down the cylinders and still wont start. Battery is dead now so I packed up and gave up. I was trying to hold off on getting a new sled until next year cuz this little sled rips but I might be at my last straw here.
Do you have your idle set to low? I ask this because you said it sputters for a few seconds but won't fire up. Try idling it up and see if it will start.
Your pilots are 95% plugged. Happens more often than not when ya run out of fuel. Especially w/ a intank filter that was installed at the factory 25 years ago.
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The sled started and idled perfectly until I ran out of gas last weekend. Rode over 100 km that day, ran out of gas, filled it up and got about 15km down the trail before it shit the bed and I had to be towed home.... but I will go turn up the Idle and give it a shot right now.
I just took the jets out again and cleaned them. I can guarantee they are clear. Also upped the Idle. No change. Ignition coil? There is spark but maybe not enough? I don't have a multimeter available right now to check it
There's a possibility you could have some trash in your reeds or maybe a cracked reed.
Are your plugs wet or dry after you try to start it?
Exciter 570 is a piston port motor so there are no reeds. Check compression??? Are the plugs wet after pulling it over a few times??

Reading about the cleaned jets. Did you also spray and blow the "jet holes" in the carb? And were these passages unrestricted?
Also, reading that you first ran out of gas, filled it up and then it stopped, maybe it sucked up some debris and just seized.

I would check for unrestricted carbs, wet plugs when pulling and compression test.
Ice in the carbs or fuel pump?? Throw some fuel down the cylinders and see if it will start. I try to never run out of gas on my exciter because it seems to take a million pulls to get it running again.

This works on any two stroke Yamaha with a good clean fuel system to get it running once the carbs are dry.

Fill the tank with fuel and close the lid. Locate the end of the vent line for the fuel tank. Put air pressure to it (lung pressure should be enough. Blow in, pressurize the tank watch and the fuel flow trough the lines.

I have used this method for years. Sled should start in 2 or 3 pulls.

Compression feels the same as always but I will grab a tester from work this week and check it for sure. THe carbs have been thoroughly cleaned twice yesterday and lots of fuel is being pumped to the carbs. I blew my hardest into the tank vent lines too. Fuel down the plug holes and it still won't start. And yes the plugs are wet when I pull them out after trying to start it. I'm using brand new plugs too.
