Is there anywhere you can still get replacement domes? Would like to find a set of 22.5cc for a ported srx and a set for a 780 BB SRX.
A couple years ago MPI gave me the number to the company that made the heads for them I was able to buy directly from them Think they were like 125 shipped for a set for a viper. I since have lost the number. But its worth s call calling mpi. They might be able to help out. Think I still have a blank set kicking around here. But they were for a sx back in the day
Thanks for info, I will try MPI. I also left a pm for MM800 to see if he has any other inserts. I bought the head set he just had posted but could also use it on another SRX I have with ported cylinders. If I had one to copy the measurements off I could cut my own set.
On the bottom of the head is a phone # I think its hagin machine that still supports these heads 970-240-4233 they also have the orings.
Thanks danj for the link. Got me a set on the way and there prices are very reasonable.
no problem tried to help mm800 cause he always helps me, buddy had an issue so called the # on the head and was surprised they still supported them they just have a different name what was the name of the machine shop?
Thanks danj for the link. Got me a set on the way and there prices are very reasonable.
What info did Peak need or do they just supply one size dome.
They have different cc insert domes depending on what elevation or performance level you are looking for. The set of domes I had were 24cc which was good for a stock SRX at 0-2000, I needed an extra set of 22cc for a ported 700 at 0-2000. I was also looking for a set for a 780BB but they were unable to help me with those. I talked to Neil at the above phone # and he was very helpful and set me up.
They have different cc insert domes depending on what elevation or performance level you are looking for. The set of domes I had were 24cc which was good for a stock SRX at 0-2000, I needed an extra set of 22cc for a ported 700 at 0-2000. I was also looking for a set for a 780BB but they were unable to help me with those. I talked to Neil at the above phone # and he was very helpful and set me up.
I kind of want to try one of these heads out. Are they just as reliable as stock? All of the orings and removable domes kind of make me worry about sealing issues down the road. Are the orings good for a long time or are you always changing them. Do they cool that much better?
I kind of want to try one of these heads out. Are they just as reliable as stock? All of the orings and removable domes kind of make me worry about sealing issues down the road. Are the orings good for a long time or are you always changing them. Do they cool that much better?
I really like these Peak heads and have had ZERO problems with them[on 3 different sleds]...but... anything a Peak head can give you can be accomplished by modifying a stock head. I don't know if they cool that much better but they definitely cool well.
You can still get a new head and inserts for 2 stroke viper and SRX from Neil @ 970-240-4233
I called Neil the other day and he said he's going to be making some more sx/sxr heads in the spring. Sounded like he's got plenty of srx/viper stuff. What's the difference between the srx head and the sx? The o-rings and the coolant rail? I wonder if it could be modded on ?
Completely different head. Different bolt pattern and all.
Spoke to him about three weeks ago. Still has the heads and parts. Sx viper heads are diffrent, also has option for DCS sensor.
Theres some on ebay for sale.