I have a 2000 SRX stretched to a 129" x 1.75 track. The best top speed I can get is 94 MPH on GPS in a 2000 ft run. I am wondering what everyone else can get with a deep lug track?
ya, that's about right, that's a big fan your spinning under the tunnel, it has resistance, so your top speed goes down but you gain tons of traction up to topend.
GPS speed with a 1.75 sno x track was 98mph in a long long run but it did heat up broke some lugs. So no more speeds runs for me with a 1.75 just 500ft drags
did you install 8 tooth drivers and lower your rear mount and fra for clearance? what gears you running?
2.86 track. 7 tooth drivers. ran 94 with 24/38/. currently running91 with 25/37/ @8500. this s on a hard packed lake. most likely will trim lugs to 1.375".
warm spell now. most of snow is gone.
warm spell now. most of snow is gone.