New member
Ok, next question. I have a bad bog off the line at idle. Go to smash the throttle and and it falls on its face. If I bring the RPM up a little then smash it I'm fine. Ok Carbs have been cleaned, idle is set at 1500, TPS set perfect, powervalves are cleand and adjusted. I've checked all this twice. The only change I made was to the air screw I took it from 1.5 turns to 2.5 turns this season to help with starting while warm. Is this the reason for the bog?
Active member
That probably is the problem if it didn't do that before you adjusted the screws.
it should be rich with screws out at 2.5, to see if something else is going on, go out and try to get it to do it but take your hand and just barely pick up on the choke lever, if it clears up..... then its lean and you have a issue maybe with airbox gutted, airleak or something else. is the clutching stock?
New member
A little more info, airbox is gutted, v-force 3's, bender can, and heelclicker clutching. Pilots are a size bigger needle is a position down and mains are a size up as well. It ran great last year just a tad rich but I like that safty blanket for when temps drop. By adjusting the air screw i was trying to get away from it being difficult to start when warm. When it was warm last year i would have to blip the throttle while starting it. That is why i adjusted the air screw for easier starting while warm. I will try putting it back to 1.5 turns and see if it still does it.
In my experience every Yamaha needs the throttle cracked slightly when warm to start. The beauty is that they start in about a half a pull.
viper needs throttle every time when hot. not a big deal.
New member
Ok, Put the air screw back to 1.5 also doble checked carbs and all clean. Still have the bog. Whats next? This batch of gas i went heavy on the seafoam is this possibly doing it? I have a video on my iphone just dont know how to post it.
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New member
Answer is yes. Get rid of that gasOk, Put the air screw back to 1.5 also doble checked carbs and all clean. Still have the bog. Whats next? This batch of gas i went heavy on the seafoam is this possibly doing it? I have a video on my iphone just dont know how to post it.
Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk
New member
Ok, I will drain the gas and start with some fresh from the pump no seafoam. Just pulled carbs to pull reeds and check too. Reeds are good.
This "air screw" you adjusted???? Which one?
New member
It the air/fuel screw. Which ever you want to call it. Controls idle and low end fuel. It's the screw in the bottom of the carb bowls that if you take all the way out have a spring oring and washers. I did put 5 gallons of fresh 93 in today. It seem to be better. I can't test. It's 43 and the snow has melted. I'm leaving for the U.P. Next Monday so we will see what happens.
New member
I've been riding all week with out a problem. It was ether the seafoam or the gas.
good to hear its fine now, so enjoy your riding.... have not even pulled a sled out of the corner yet for this year(no snow to ride in)....horrible
New member
Yup still up. Started in the Waters area now in Welston and leaving to the Keywanaw Tuesday. This is the first trip I've see 5 or 6 SRX's. One with a white hood. Sounded sick.
New member
Same heregood to hear its fine now, so enjoy your riding.... have not even pulled a sled out of the corner yet for this year(no snow to ride in)....horrible
Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk
Yup still up. Started in the Waters area now in Welston and leaving to the Keywanaw Tuesday. This is the first trip I've see 5 or 6 SRX's. One with a white hood. Sounded sick.
was likely amato srx he rides with a fleet of srx, he has the white hooded one.