Educate me

Bob Vehring

New member
Dec 10, 2008
Milw. Wi
I have a bunch of Yamaha sleds, early V Max, SRV, Enticer, Inviter,433TW. My kid is looking for a V Max 4. Can anyone tell me the differences, what to look for, what to stay away from. We can fix or rebuild whatever we have to but would prefer to start with a solid starter sled. It will be trail driven but most of my other sleds do get ported, pipes, basic performance upgrades etc.
What should I be looking for?
Hey Tony, saw your other post, sorry I got nothing that's really any good or I trust, call Chuck from the VM forum he has a pretty good pile of parts. The VM4 is for my kid, I just haven't gotton to looking yet, racing ends mid March here probably looking then
i was very lucky to find ken oliver here, he dose have a spare crank. i can,t get ahold of chuck. drop me a pm sometime if ya need vmax4 info. 3:16x (yammie tony)
Well its been about 9 months since I started this, Today I went to a swap meet here looking only for a windshield for a 74 TW 433 F. Second trailer I walk by has a very and I mean very clean 94 V max 4 with RPC pipes. I had to scramble to find enough friends there to get together $1100, but its now sitting here. Driving out there in my wifes 94 chevy work truck with a broken tailgate, I also found out just how heavy they are.
Plenty help loading, you shoulda been here for the unloading, Me, Wendy, Ryan and the kid next door, front shocks seem to work well.
You realize you now have to race the 83 against Regan for the V Max title, I'll lighten up the 83, start by taking the seat off
