Fouling plug when warm


Super Moderator
Sep 15, 2003
Freeland & Otsego lake, MI
Having some problems with wifes viper. When it gets warm after a few miles it fouls the PTO side plug. You can here it try to fire at times but usually out till i replace plug. Caps are new and OHM out fine, Im going to cut back wire again just to make sure good conection. Im thinking a bad coil?? I have some to replace it with but was looking to see if you guys thought i was on right track or had any other ideas??

check your float height and make sure the coke is closed all the way. from there i would spec out the coil and stator like you said.
Move the coil mabey. If yours has the q/d bullet connectors, make sure there's no green shmegma inside that clear connector. Any wire junction that's has green oxidation means more resistance in that wire.
keep loosing mag plug on wife's srx, turned out was o-ring under needle and seat, never had this problem before, crap gas is hard on carb parts
