Hello. I slid into a tree and broke the front bumper. The metal frame that the bumper attaches to is also bent. I have a spare bumper and the metal frame. Just wondering how to get at the bolts to remove the bent frame.
- Take your hood off (disconnect the wire plugs first)
- Remove the exhaust pipe (disconnect from muffler and Y-pipe)
- You can remove the 4 bolts from under where the exhasut pipe was
- Easiest to remove the bumper before removing the frame
I have gotten that far and was thinking i might be able to get the four bolts out, but there's not much room. Was more worried about being able to get them back in. Thanks for info.
I think I used a wobble extension. I have done it several times. Swing the steering one way or the other if it is in the way (lot easier if suspended).
Thanks Ding. I'll give it a try. There's not a trail open within 300 miles of where i live, so i have some time to work on it.