High beams make tach jump erratically

Yam oo ah 600

New member
Feb 6, 2016
Barrie, Ontario

I just bought a 98 SRX 600 triple triple. It starts awesome, idles at 15-1800rpm, is very snappy, engages at 4100 and has no shake or vibrations so I believe the crank issue has been taken care of. She is a little smokey but I know she needs a good tune up.

When I turn my high beams on the tach is jumpy and goes from 2 to 4 and back to 3 and all over the place erratically, but the motor doesn't jump all over as the tach shows, it stays steady. When the high beam is off, the RPM's on the tach and the motor are steady and true. What could be causing the tach to act erratically only when the high beams are turned on?


I just bought a 98 SRX 600 triple triple. It starts awesome, idles at 15-1800rpm, is very snappy, engages at 4100 and has no shake or vibrations so I believe the crank issue has been taken care of. She is a little smokey but I know she needs a good tune up.

When I turn my high beams on the tach is jumpy and goes from 2 to 4 and back to 3 and all over the place erratically, but the motor doesn't jump all over as the tach shows, it stays steady. When the high beam is off, the RPM's on the tach and the motor are steady and true. What could be causing the tach to act erratically only when the high beams are turned on?


Follow the harness under the motor and look for a short.
