1997 venture 600 possible engine miss fire


New member
Feb 6, 2016
Hey, I'm new to this site, looked through a lot of the other posts to find my issue but came up short. I just bought a 1997 venture 600 with smart carbs on it, bought it from an older fellow original owner and machine hadn't run in 4 years. Before I even tried it, I pulled the carbs and cleaned them, it has 157.5 main jets didnt look at the pilot size,drained all the fuel and filled it with fresh super, opened the air box and cleaned it, wen't through the clutches, seem good except it has a pink spring in the secondary and I belive it should be brown. Checked the exhaust for any animal nest,all good. Compression is about 115 both sides. Air box filter was chewed up, one is on order, so installed a temporary fix,also the filter in the cab was starting to come apart so replaced it. So started the sled, started right away, went for a test drive, up to half throttle was good but when it going to WOT it was like it was going off a Rev limiter or missing, pulled the temporary air box filter out and it's better but it's still there, ohmed all the solenoids on the carbs, all the same at 65ohms, checked them for operation , they all seem to be working. Plugs are nice and tanned, it needs a new belt which will be in this week, not sure if that could cause my issue as I noticed the peak RPM was about 8200 at WOT. So I was going to leave it alone until I got the new belt and proper filter, but it seems to me there is still an issue as it still has a miss with the filter removed. Any help would be appreciated.
