July 26 & 27 Lake Preston, SD SDSDRA races


Your #1 performance shop!
May 7, 2003
Menno, SD
July 26 & 27, Lake Preston, SD races

Lake Preston will be holding the first grass drag for the 2003 year on the SDSDRA circuit. The races will be a Saturday-Sunday event with Saturday being a day to make sure all the lights and scales are working properly. The Saturday event will start at 3:00 PM in the afternoon, you will register as you would on a normal race day, but payout will be based off of registration only, no extra prize money and no points awarded, this will be a good chance to check out the competition and to make sure your sleds are all running correctly. Also after the race a grill out is planned and all those who attend the race are invited.

Sunday’s race will start at 1:00 PM with registration beginning at 10 AM until 12 PM and a driver’s meeting at 12:30. Below is a list of area motels/hotels and their location from the track, if you have any questions feel free to contact Jim Weaver (jkweaver4@abe.midco.net), Jayson Maguire (sydney@dailypost.com), or myself (aulmer@yahoo.com). We look forward to seeing you there.

Allen Ulmer

Brookings: (32 miles East of Lake Preston along I-29)
Brookings Inn: 605-692-9471
Comfort Inn: 605-692-9566
Fairfield Inn: 605-692-3500
Quality Inn: 605-692-9421
Super 8: 605-692-6920

Huron: (40 miles West of Lake Preston)
Super 8: 605-352-0740
Crossroads: 605-352-3204
Holiday Inn: 605-352-6655

Madison: (40 miles Southeast of Lake Preston)
Super 8 - 605-256-6931

DeSmet: (10 miles West of Lake Preston)
Cottage Inn Motel: 605-854-3396
Super 8: 605-854-9388

Alrington: (13 miles East of Lake Preston)
Super 8: 605-983-4609
Pheasant Motel: 605-983-9927
