SS440 Carb Needed


New member
Feb 11, 2004
Millington, MI
I need a carburetor for a 1980 SS440.....I just bought a SS440 out of a barn and the carb is shot....Not repairable. I saw a new, old stock on ebay but they wanted almost $400. I only paid $200 for the sled...It also needs the seat recovered...Any suggestions on how to get that done?
Thanks in advance for any info....
Post an ad in the wanted section and you may get lucky finding a carb. Lots of SS440's out there. Expect to spend another $150-200 with the new carb, seat cover and other things you will most likely need to get it running.
Im guessing that the carb is rusted and corroded from extreme moisture being in a barn, or you had a mouse community living in the air box?? If so, it may pay to pull the intake and take a peek past the reed cages to see if any of that stuff made it into the bottom end.
Also, if you paid $200 for a 63 vette that needed tires at $150 a piece, would that make it not worth it? Enjoy your sled, but no matter what, they are a money pit.
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1980 carb is a one year deal best to upgrade to a 81-84 carb and boot a std 40mm carb boot will do ....for a seat cover if you want to do it your self get the cover from east coast reproductions ....very nice quality and good pricing and good fit
Thanks, I noticed there was a different Keihin part number for the 81 and up....They must have went from 38mm to 40mm? You're saying I need to change boot size with the larger carb?
