New member
Hey, today I went to go tighten the track on my viper when I noticed that the nuts for the adjustment are hidden behind the idler wheels. Is there a easier way to access these nuts to adjust the tension? I tried a Cresent wrench but it was pretty difficult to get the nut to spin.
Thanks a lot,
Thanks a lot,
Lift up the snow flap and go through the window on the track. Use a socket & extension
On the stock Yamaha pro action sleds you adjust the track tension nuts through through the track windows. I use a 14mm socket on an extension with a ratchet.
Some after market big wheel kits have the adjusters on the side behind the rear idler wheels and can be a real pain to adjust, for these I use spoked wheels so I can get at the jam nuts or remove the idlers to adjust tension then reinstall them.
Some after market big wheel kits have the adjusters on the side behind the rear idler wheels and can be a real pain to adjust, for these I use spoked wheels so I can get at the jam nuts or remove the idlers to adjust tension then reinstall them.
New member
If you have an aftermarket track like a Cobra or Ripsaw , the windows are super narrow. Sockets, deep or shallow, and extension don't fit. So you have to cut, weld and build fancy wrenchs to adjust your track! This one took 5 min but works perfect.
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A couple of bucks
VIP Member
I've never run into this issue. But you could try a thin walled 14mm.
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New member
I use a socket and extension with my ripsaw... Sometimes the socket gets stuck when you try to take it off. just use some vice grips to wiggle it out.
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Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk
New member
With my new Cobra if the track is 1/4" more to one side, a shallow socket and extension can't grip the nut. A deep socket is too angled to pop on. My brother had the same problem with his new ripsaw. I guess we're just not lucky.... If the track is already centered a deep sockets works.
Nessacity is the mother of invention I guess.
Nessacity is the mother of invention I guess.
Backwoods M Max
New member
A block of wood and a hammer to shift the track back towards the center so you can start adjusting it would probably do the trick. Have someone rock the track back and forth by you shift it over.
New member
^^^ bingo
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Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk
The easy fix is to carefully widen one set of track windows with a die grinder or dremel tool. This can be done so slides can be removed through track windows as well.