Enticer 300 running problems


New member
Feb 15, 2016
I recently purchased a 300 enticer. I cleaned the carb, rebuilt the fuel pump, changed plugs, changed fuel line , fresh fuel new coil and caps started the unit, drove it around for 5 min parked it for over night.

Now the unit will only run on the pto side piston once the unit warms up. There is 100 psi in both cylinder. I can switch the plugs and wires between cylinders and it does not make a difference. If the mag side wire is removed nothing seems to change, if i remove the pto side wire the unit dies. It doesn't have very good power, and bogs. It seems at times it will kick in and run on both cylinders and the unit moves along really well.

I am headed out to check wires and grounds. However I am leaning toward the issue being the mag side crank seal. I am curious if I am thinking along the right line or if there is something else I need to be checking over. Thanks.
Quick easy check for you as well... check the "pulse" hose for the fuel pump as it comes from the "mag" side cylinder. Check for leaks, fuel from pump being drawn into cylinder etc.
