chain and gear interchange

Jan 22, 2012
berlin n.h.
i have a 2000 sxr 700 with a 70 link chain.i have a 39 on botton right now, and a 23 top.a friend sent me a 24 top gear, and he said it came out of an 01 srx.when i put the chain on the gear, it doesnt seem to fit right. the 23 fits perfect in the chain, but the 24 doesnt seem right.the 23 has more of a point at the tip of the gear than the 24.the 24 is more rounded at the tip.not sure if the 23 is just worn with the chain, or if the 24 came from a different style chain.can anyone help me figure this out?here are a few pics.aaen 001.jpgaaen 002.jpgaaen 003.jpgaaen 004.jpgaaen 005.jpg
part # is 8fa-17682-40-00, my parts dealer gave me a part # 89j-17682-40-00.which one is the right gear for my 2000 sxr700 70 link chain?
To start the chain is not directional.
Your going to be needing a gear for a silent chain so the 4 stroke one will probably not work as it will most likely be HYVO too,so confine your search to pre 2000 SRX's or pre 2001 V Max's with silent chains and gears.You might have better luck finding a gear if you post in the classifieds under the Wanted section.
A little trick for finding other models with the part you need. Find the part number online at one of the online parts dealers. Then enter it in the "Enter Part Number" field on the main parts lookup screen. Or on some sites you can simply click the part number again after selecting it.
i entered the part # in a bunch of searches,and it comes up not available, but i know that someone has one on the shelf somewhere!!!it goes good with the 23 top gear, but i havent tried a 24, so i dont know what it will do.ill bet it pulls harder off the line than the 23, but wont know for sure till i try one.anyone have a 24 top gear for a silent chain?
Yah, the 24T gears are harder to find except aftermarket. Just thought about your setup more - those are already really tall gears (1.70 ratio) for that sled that you have with the 23T. Are you running different track drivers besides the 9T x 2.52 stock ones?

The SXRs used a 13 plate silent roller chain, the 98-99 SRXs a 15 plate silent roller, and the 00-02 SRX and all SXVipers used a 13 plate HYVO. Personally I wouldn't mix any of those.

The 1st 3 letters of the part number are which chain the gear is for (there is some overlap), the 2nd portion simply is which gear (17682 is top, 47587 is bottom), and the 3rd portion is the number of teeth (40 is indeed 24T, 80=18T, 90=19T, 00=20T, 10=21T, 20=22T, 30=23T - for the top) but there are some oddballs and the bottoms are 90=39T, etc.

That sled stock had 22T-39T-70T - top-bottom-chain - so you are already geared up 1 on top. Going to 24T on top will gear you even higher (possibly higher top-end, but slower off the line depending upon traction and engine power, etc.)
Yah, the 24T gears are harder to find except aftermarket. Just thought about your setup more - those are already really tall gears (1.70 ratio) for that sled that you have with the 23T. Are you running different track drivers besides the 9T x 2.52 stock ones?

The SXRs used a 13 plate silent roller chain, the 98-99 SRXs a 15 plate silent roller, and the 00-02 SRX and all SXVipers used a 13 plate HYVO. Personally I wouldn't mix any of those.

The 1st 3 letters of the part number are which chain the gear is for (there is some overlap), the 2nd portion simply is which gear (17682 is top, 47587 is bottom), and the 3rd portion is the number of teeth (40 is indeed 24T, 80=18T, 90=19T, 00=20T, 10=21T, 20=22T, 30=23T - for the top) but there are some oddballs and the bottoms are 90=39T, etc.

That sled stock had 22T-39T-70T - top-bottom-chain - so you are already geared up 1 on top. Going to 24T on top will gear you even higher (possibly higher top-end, but slower off the line depending upon traction and engine power, etc.)
im running stock also running the bender pipes , so i think i have the power to pull 24-39.24-39 will also take some bend out of the chain.i have geared up twice.i went from 22-39 to 23-40 and the sled pulled harder off the line and got better traction.same when i went to 23-39, it hooked better and pulled harder.i have a best of 99 mph in 1000 ft so far,i tightened the track because it was too loose, and slowing me down on top going to make a couple runs this morning with the 23-39 again and see if i can get over 100 in 1000 ft, but im thinking that 24 top is where i wanna be.i wont know until i try it.
well that didnt go as planned, the pond is glare traction whatsoever.gonna have to wait for some snow, and hopefully it will crust up so i can get some traction.87 mph in 1000 ft. spinning all the way, and 98 mph in 1500 gets a little sketchy after 90 on glare ice.gonna have to wait for snow to test more,maybe ill find a gear by then.
I have always had good luck searching by part number on eBay. A lot of shops are trying to get rid of their nos. the good ones will take the time to list it by part number. When I needed a 20t top gear it was $15 in the plastic.
Ah, you must be making very good power. I didn't realize you were looking for top-end, might have been in your note by I didn't catch it. I would look aftermarket, I am not sure the 24T is available as current Yamaha part for that chain.
Go to, or call a friendly dealer. They can do a national dealer level inventory search. I found a 20t gear that way that was obsolete a couple years ago. May need to contact more than one since some are not on the shelf when they look.

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