40-10 H/Cs on 96 XT6

well that sled runs at 8000rpm so i would try lowden the tip with a lot & use the 51/44 at 60% rap.i'm just trowing it out there.may be some one will pitch in on it.& may be a little in heel like you said 0.? & up.all you can do is run & try/ & run & try/ & run & try again lol.good luck couple of bucks.
First of all, you need a tall cover for the primary. Then you need a really shallow helix, like 46/36 or something like that. 1,2 grams in heel with a red spring, makes it take off at well over 5000 rpm. Keep in touch, I am doing this on a 97 vt 500, but I started with a white spring and 5,4 grams in tip and tall cover.
heel clickers like grabbing down lower rpm hard compared to most stock set-ups. weight the heel for desired engagement rpm and add tip weight to stop it at desired rpms. one of our favorite weights for clutching as we have them in everything except et410 atm.
The short cover wouldn't that increase the incachment but probably bind up even tho the sled is running 8000 rpm.just asking to what you guys would say.
I'm surprised you even got the cover on. I'm running a black spring with mine and I had to go make some threaded rod setups to get the cover far enough down to put the bolts in. No hand compressing here. The cover was about an inch away from the center shaft that was as far as I could get it by hand. Next year a clutch spring compressor will be added to my tool list.
I'm surprised you even got the cover on. I'm running a black spring with mine and I had to go make some threaded rod setups to get the cover far enough down to put the bolts in. No hand compressing here. The cover was about an inch away from the center shaft that was as far as I could get it by hand. Next year a clutch spring compressor will be added to my tool list.
I haven't done anything yet. They are on the way but won't be able to do anything w/ them till next year.
I bought mine direct from super torquer. I told how my sled was set up and he sent me one of the weights calibrated correctly so I just had to set up the other two. They actually don't have a calibration for a non triple pepped red head in the manual with the spring I'm running.
Yea.... They don't have anything on their site for 600 twins. I GOOGLED, Vmax 600 twin heel clickers and I found zilch. So I'm 100% in the dark. They didn't even have a starting point for any non pv 600s. Trips or twins.
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Yea.... They don't have anything on their site for 600 twins. I GOOGLED, Vmax 600 twin heel clickers and I found zilch. So I'm 100% in the dark. They didn't even have a starting point for any non pv 600s. Trips or twins.

It might be time to call super torquer systems. It might come down to the fact that the 600 twins couldn't pull the weight.
I think that sled came with 8ca's loaded but I don't know the the weights on the pins . couldn't he just get the H-C's close to them far as the weight go's.
It might come down to the fact that the 600 twins couldn't pull the weight.
I though briefly about that but then I noticed they have a 40/10 Phazer set-up. But I am going to call them.

My current set-up:

So according to the hc site, the 40 in the 40/10s stands for 40 grams. So the difference between a bare hc and mine w/ rivets is 8.6 grams. It is 8.6 that I'll need to put in the arms. It'll probably be two 4.5s.
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The 600 will definitely pull the 40-10s. You might just need a white primary spring to have a lower engagement. I put on 40-10s on my 97 Venture 500, 5,4 grams in heel and nothing in the other two holes, a hauck 44/36 helix and hauck green spring 8dn belt, and I had to let off at 3/4 throttle going 120 kp/h (2 on the sled), because I was hitting 7800 rpm already.
Well guys I called Supertorquer and left a message. I hope they call back.
According to their engagement chart, I'll have to load up the shoulder to get the engagement RPMs to where I'd like if I use the red spring.
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Well guys I called Supertorquer and left a message. I hope they call back.
According to their engagement chart, I'll have to load up the shoulder to get the engagement RPMs to where I'd like if I use the red spring.

I'm running the black spring with 40/10's both holes are empty but the shoulder is loaded with the bolt and 3 washers. Engagement is still a little high but the weight bushings are sticky and I didn't ride enough to break them in yet. Wot is 8500 then it climbs from there after full shift. First ride engagement was 5500 second ride was 5000 it's coming down all the time as things break in. Peak rpm is right where I want so I'll wait for it to break in before I consider messing with anything.
Yessir, initial set up is in:

Used in a 97 VT 500:

White heelclicker spring (used for 4 strokes).
5,2 grams in heel (use a digital gram scale) Grind the washers to avoid them hitting the rollers. Add oversize washers to top of the bolt (that fit the bolt).
3,3 grams in the middle.
0 grams in tip.

stock 43 degree helix
stock red spring @80 degrees.

Grabs the belt pretty good, engagement @3500 rpm or so. If you want higher, just remove some of the weight in the heel.
Didn't test the top speed much, but I was up to about 120 kph, which is fine for a VT500.
I forgot what was in my sled I had to look at it again. This is what happens when it just sits with the cover on it all winter because of no snow :dead: They set me up with 5.4g in the shoulder (bolt, 5 washers and lock washer) and the red spring which should give me 4300 engagement. Like I said before engagement was a little high but I didn't get to ride enough to break in the weight bushings which were a little sticky because of a tight fit. This was for a single pipe redhead at sea level set up for a mountain friendly shift profile.
