I'm a 170 pounds lucky owner of a fine 2002 SRX 700 with stock engine/pipes. The sled has been converted to a 144 track with 2" lugs and 8T non-slip drivers. Gearing is 40/20.
I've just installed the Heelclicker Primary 40-10 kit along with a 48/40 helix with silver spring set to 60 wrap.
The conditions where I drive is mostly 1 foot powder, although we drive in whatever snow is available (hard packed between snowfalls to fairly wet during springtime).
My impression from the tuning charts and the most wanted setups is you're mostly lake racers and trail agressives around here so I felt the need to ask "manually".
I've read as much as I can about mrviper's cluthing tips/guide and everything I've come across, but I'm not sure excactly where to start, or if the 48/40 helix and secondary spring at 60 wrap is fairly correct for the setup I need. I know there will be some fine tuning before finding the sweet spot, but I need to know roughly what to start with as I'm a novice with these things.
6g at the heel seems to engage at a little over 4000, or should I aim a little higher rpms for boondocking? How much to add in the center (if any), and how much at the tip? I've seen anything from 3.3g to 7g at the tip with 8400 peak rpm.
I'm a 170 pounds lucky owner of a fine 2002 SRX 700 with stock engine/pipes. The sled has been converted to a 144 track with 2" lugs and 8T non-slip drivers. Gearing is 40/20.
I've just installed the Heelclicker Primary 40-10 kit along with a 48/40 helix with silver spring set to 60 wrap.
The conditions where I drive is mostly 1 foot powder, although we drive in whatever snow is available (hard packed between snowfalls to fairly wet during springtime).
My impression from the tuning charts and the most wanted setups is you're mostly lake racers and trail agressives around here so I felt the need to ask "manually".
I've read as much as I can about mrviper's cluthing tips/guide and everything I've come across, but I'm not sure excactly where to start, or if the 48/40 helix and secondary spring at 60 wrap is fairly correct for the setup I need. I know there will be some fine tuning before finding the sweet spot, but I need to know roughly what to start with as I'm a novice with these things.
6g at the heel seems to engage at a little over 4000, or should I aim a little higher rpms for boondocking? How much to add in the center (if any), and how much at the tip? I've seen anything from 3.3g to 7g at the tip with 8400 peak rpm.
use 6 grams tip, empty center, you keep adding to heel to get engagement where you like it although much under 4000rpm will be pretty lazy. you need 8500rpm peak. everyone helix shift different so youll have to try and report back rpm to fine tune it.
I ran clickers in my 780 srx with a 144 track. Thing pulled like a train and was a great deep snow, boondocking sled here in Minnesota.