ive got one more question. when installing new ring should you hone the cylinders and if so what kind of hone should you use? thanks again guys
I've been told that the nikasil on the cylinder walls doesn't mess up easily and as long as you can see a crosshatch still to not worry about redoing it.
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Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
I would agree, if it isn't gouged I would probably leave it alone
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Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
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Use a ball hone to deglaze..rings won't seat as well if you dont
via big bad phone
via big bad phone
New member
This is all debated. I don't like a ball hone in case it snags a port and chips the nikasil. I use a basic cylinder hone from auto parts store. Done hundreds like this. If there is some "stuff" on the cyl wall then use some muriatic acid to clean any galled up aluminum and then hone and check for scoring.
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Sent from my E6560C using Tapatalk