Hammer Down
I'm looking for a hot clutch setup for my stock motor 700. Only mods are m10 skid, 40/23 gears, and extended front end. Motor is stock down to the jetting as far as I know. Not looking for top speed. I'm looking for corner to corner performance.
heelclickers or mrviper 700's setup using stock weights with 4.5 rivet in each hole(switch inner) www primary with a 54-46 dalton helix, green secondary spring at 70
You might have to adjust the clutching for the M-10 suspension. Those will get you close.
New member
I am running the 8dn-20's with 4.5 inner and 5.5 tip, w/w/w primary spring, 51/45 helix with green spring at 70 and 23/40 gearing with a 136" track and it works pretty good. Pulls from about 8200 up to 8500. When I had the weights with 4.5 in each hole it would jump right to 8500 and rev to 8600. I think the gearing is why I had to add weight. The backshift isn't too bad with this setup. This is a good read on the subject. http://www.totallyamaha.net/forums/...-I-use-in-my-01-srx-for-MrVipers-clutch-setup