Track Froze


Mar 4, 2014
Hey Guys, I was teaching my mom to snowmobile on my dad's SRX a couple of weeks ago. We rode on the ice (not a lot of snow but still some) for about a half mile, she was only going maybe 20mph. When we stopped to talk and started to go again, the track wouldn't budge. We towed it back home and I now finally got a chance to look at it. Turns out the hyfax had melted to the track. Not sure what would have caused this during such slight usage? I'm pretty sure they were used hyfax, although they have enough life on them that they almost look new. Perhaps the track was too tight? Any other ideas? Thanks.

Done this more then once on the ice. Just not enough snow to keep slides lubed. I started using scratchers when running ice and never had a problem again.
We did have some snow on the ice that day. Perhaps it was the slow speeds that was not kicking up any snow in the conditions?
Going too slow ,,,,,,not enough fluff,,,,,,,, snow too dry......(crystallized).........Have to lube the skid ,,,IE,,,,,,,,,, going off trail too lube........ When that happends ,,,,, throw snow in it, (the skid),,,,, lift the rear skid and drop break lose........ride on...............
