Old spark plugs?


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I was looking through my box's of spare parts and found a container with a bunch of old spark plugs in it.They were still firing when I changed them out and to be honest I can't remember why I did it to start with,old habit I guess.My question is how often do you guys run a set of plugs and what do you do with old ones?
I usually change plugs yearly. On my dirt bike, I carry a spare new plug and a spare used plug. I can't remember the last time I fouled a plug. On my sled, I've run less than a tank of gas this season, but I put in new plugs last fall and put the good used plugs as spares in the plug holders on top of the belt cover.

Every few years, I go thru my used plug assortment and throw some out. I figure I only need 1-2 used spares.
I have a spark plug sand blaster and I'll clean then up and leave them sitting on the shelf. My back up plugs are always brand new but if a sled is running funny at the house I'll throw a cleaned new one in. I let myself delay cleaning a dirty tors switch and all that rev limiting did something to a plug where it was intermittent at high rpm. It made my clutch tuning frustrating because I was down on power along with a primary setup that wasn't working. The plugs in the machine all winter will be the plugs it gets fogges with and the plugs it get the fogging oil run out with. Then I clean them and they go on the bench with a new set to start the season.
I've probably got 10 old plugs kicking around and as far as I know they're still good.I don't know if there's a way to test a plug to check it's fire if it's still strong enough to give a proper electrical spark besides sticking one in a plug boot and pulling the recoil over while looking at the spark across the tip.
I have to say, with all my 2 stroke sleds, I have 1 set of "old" plugs I put in at the end of the season for fogging purposes. I leave them in for the season start up as well to clean out the motor and then change to my "good" plugs. I can't recall the last time I actually needed a "new" plug...
I keep a display box of BR9ES on my bench in case something needs them. I have too many toys that run on that plug to drive to town for a set of plugs if I need them in a pinch.
