New member
Hey everyone looking to shed some lbs of my srx improver I wanna get rid of all my coolers and put a small rad somewhere does anyone have pics and info on how I would do this iff anyone has done this as has pics can u please send them to me for an idea of best place to mount rad and hoses
have you checked the rules, I thought an improver had to have original cooling.
Active member
watch your weight if your using isr rules. 3:16x (yammie tony)
When I bought my '01 SRX it was lightened up considerably by the guy I got it from as he used to race it.I have no idea of what class he ran in but I can give you a list of what all he had done to it.
Removed front shocks and used square tubing in their place
used the oil tank for the gas tank and left the gas tank empty
the carbides were cut down to right behind the carbide pad using 3 bolts to hold them on
removed the rear and the 2 side heat exchangers
the front exchanger was still plumbed in
the front bumper braces were removed
speedo and cable removed
parking brake assembly removed
That's all I can remember for now.
Removed front shocks and used square tubing in their place
used the oil tank for the gas tank and left the gas tank empty
the carbides were cut down to right behind the carbide pad using 3 bolts to hold them on
removed the rear and the 2 side heat exchangers
the front exchanger was still plumbed in
the front bumper braces were removed
speedo and cable removed
parking brake assembly removed
That's all I can remember for now.
New member
Believe an improved 700 has to weigh 750lbs with rider according to ISR rules and the believe you need shocks in front or they might classify it as pro stock
years ago, our dodge dealers son campaigned a 97sx700improver and he was not very big, they had to add weight to the sled to make weight.
Active member
The front cooler should stay for chassis support than remove the headlight and put your rad in the opening with a fan behind it.If you don't have a airbox there might be room there with a air duck madeup.I have a couple of atv rads that might work they are 9x5 and 12x4 that you can have if you drop me a pm.If you are doing NB speed runs you might not need a fan.But would help for cooldown.A heater core out of a car will work as well.