New member
I've added up potential weight savings for my 1999 Phazer 500 and I can easily take off 30 pounds from the rear end by swapping the skid, track, and seat with lighter ones. Would this unbalance my sled and cause any funny handling characteristics? I can only take a few pounds off the front end (skis and shocks). Yamaha lists the dry weight at 465lbs.
Active member
I wouldn't think it would hurt the handling, it would be the same as someone that weighed 30 lbs lighter riding it.
low slung
Active member
My brothers last sled(2006 Nytro RS)had 36lbs of weight removed from stock(lighter battery,BOSS seat,lighter exhaust).you could feel the lighter weight,but the heavy triple engine still reminded you it was there.A lighter skid would help the rear along with a lighter aftermaket pipe to lighten the front.A Lexan(BR Tech)hood would really trim the pounds off.