Does anyone know where to find drive idler wheels to match 7 tooth drives for an early 80's SRV? Shaft is 1" hex.
New member
Hi, I have a stock on out of a 87 srv
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Thanks. I have the stock SRV and SRX drives which are 9 and 8 tooth sprockets. I am downsizing to 7 tooth sprockets and need the matching diameter idlers.
Throttle Junkie35
New member
You dont need to run the outer drive wheels. If you look at a Phazer (which are 7t I believe,) they dont have them. I dont believe they ever made a wheel for 7t anyway.
Phazers were 8t. If your dead set on running the outer single sided drivers, check with any Western Power Sports dealer. Should be part #54-41823.
Throttle Junkie35
New member
Snowdad, I believe he's looking for the wheels that slide on the shaft that go on either side of the drivers. They cannot be a tight press fit as he wont be able to install the shaft unless he mods the speedo side bearing retainer.
I would throw your old 9t sized wheels on the shaft, put the shaft in a lathe and turn them down.
I would throw your old 9t sized wheels on the shaft, put the shaft in a lathe and turn them down.
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Turning down a set of the originals was my back up plan. I was hoping that with some of the long paddle track converions someone was making a set of smaller idlers.
Most likely not enough material on the originals to get them down to the same diameter as a 7t. What I have done with a few phazers is use the half drive outers from WPS and then cut the stabilizing collar off. Thats the gold ring that adds rigidity to the driver. From there, you can make a slice in the center of the hub as a relief, and they will slide off and on with a little persuasion. Re-use your locking collars and add a quality hose clamp where the band originally was on the new drivers. .
Thanks snowdad4. Sounds like a better way to go. Some of the older machines came stock with a relief and gear clamp. Since there is no torque on the idlers it should work fine. I'll can also check to see if WPS makes a set of 7t half outers for a 1-1/16 shaft which would slide on with the original collars.
Throttle Junkie35
New member
You could also cut the flange off of the bulkhead that holds the speedo side bearing. Then use bearing flanges from a 93 Exciter. This way you could use press fit, half drivers and still be able to remove and install the axle.
Yamaha Nutz
New member
i would not even worry about the outers aside from a little support they do not really help anything most of the time i take them right off to help solve track ratcheting problems like throttle junkie said if you are set on running them just turn down the stock ones