New Project-91 Phazer ST


New member
Nov 17, 2007
The Shwa
Well here we go again.....another old Phazer build. I've always loved them, and a 85' was my first sled! Great info on this site, it always was great for that...I had a 2007 Attak GT and 2007 Phazer for quite a few years and was thankful for all the info here!!!

I will be building this sled up over the summer as a boondocking cottage sled so I don't wreck my new sled (17 PRORMK). We never seem to get consistent winters here in Ontario, and this will fill the gap.

It is in decent shape, ran ok, and has an Aaen pipe. I think I will look for a 136" track (1.25" or 1.352") since any larger will rob too much power and not necessary here (typically 2-3ft max snow).

Any suggestions or not to do's are extremely welcome!!!!

My Build has yet to start, just tore it down and am collecting
However I did score a beauty in the mean time that I will use as a template!!!!!!


She is a 93 Phazer II ST in pristeen condition. Dude who built it did awesome work… posted the a bit of the build on here too I think...
Very happy��������������
nice sled i love the 91 paint scheme ..looks liek a good start ...1.25 track would all i would go and go from 17/29 gearing to 17/31 if you can find a bottom gear
What do you mean by 13 wide? I know the srv has tripple wide gears...

the width of the silent chain ....11 wide 13 wide 15 wide and then we get 3/4'' HYVO 7/8'' HYVO

the 3 link wide chains where used from 73 up to 90 for most sleds and are referred to as a 35-3 chain
