New member
So I've been watching guys race Sleds on asphalt for years and I want to give it a try.
How do I set up the rear suspension? More what I mean is where do I place the extra wheels and what
wheels do I use? If somebody who races could snap a picture of their stock rear suspension setup for
asphalt that would help a ton. Any help or tips would be appreciated!
How do I set up the rear suspension? More what I mean is where do I place the extra wheels and what
wheels do I use? If somebody who races could snap a picture of their stock rear suspension setup for
asphalt that would help a ton. Any help or tips would be appreciated!
New member
If your using a 15 wide track and a stock skid. We just pulled the sliders off and ran it. No extra wheels
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yep. all i did 3:16 (yammie tony)
New member
Where can I find a 121 by 15 track? All I see is 10.625 listed on camoplasts website.
Active member
i am going to a 10.6 by 121 next year. the 15'' are no longer available. i have a good friend who has a brand new one. this won,t be cheap for ya with shiping. i have a good used 15'', that would give ya a season, but again the shipping would kill ya 3:16x (yammie tony)
Your both in NY, see if your close enough for a nice NY Scenic joyride. Lol
New member
Tony what would you want for the used one? I have family in Canadaigua NY that could run up and grab it from you. Let me know.
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chris i think it has a season left to get ya started. $100 bucks fair. 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
Sounds good to me. PM me your contact info and we'll go from there. Any skis for sale or know where a good place to get a pair from?
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i don,t have ski,s. 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
Tony let me know if you'll be around next weekend. Leaving Friday afternoon and I'll be in Canandaigua until Sunday afternoon.
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pm, sent. 3;16x