New member
I picked up a 1998 SRX yesterday as a project!!!. Someone at one time was in the process of rebuilding the top end its been sitting in a barn for at least a year maybe longer with 2 cylinders removed. They were in the process of tapping the broken exhaust bolts and stopped there cylinders all look perfectly fine. It has brand new piston and rings, rods look good and the crank appears to be be fine. Im pretty sure a case a beer couple buddies and a night in the garage you could slap it back together with the pieces of the puzzle that are there and it would run. Im gonna planning on pulling the motor and going through the whole sled top to bottom. What are some things I could look for, Things I should just replace for piece of mind while the motors out, and any recommended performance upgrades seeing the motor is already torn apart. From the little i looked at it yesterday it appears to be completly stock, the motor does not look like its ever been apart or out of the sled before now. Has 6,000 miles on it. Im also interested in possibly upgrading the rear skid/suspension whats the easiest and best set up? As far as cluthches what should I be looking for at this point I am going to assume they are factory stock. Any help tips comments and advice are appreciated. Not my first sled by any means but first SRX. I wont be riding much but it will be a mix of all conditions lakes, trails, hills, etc.
Hey --Welcome to the site. Wow lots of questions..... and here on TY are lots of answers.
Yeah find a new skid if you can afford. These SRX rip . you wont be disappointed. READ READ READ. Every answer you were asking....... is right here.
Yeah find a new skid if you can afford. These SRX rip . you wont be disappointed. READ READ READ. Every answer you were asking....... is right here.
New member
Not much you can do as far as performance upgrades on the engine as bolt ons. The best performance upgrade would be clutching but it would be better to get the whole sled in good working order before you mess with that. Look everything over good and if you replace anything the factory Yamaha parts are the way to go in my opinion. Look everything else on the sled over good. Its amazing at some of the cobbles you might find. I would inspect the jackshaft and driveshaft bearings also. There are tons of skids you can put in. Like mac said there is tons of info on this site. Couldn't tell you how many hours I have reading stuff on here. Sometimes I have had better luck searching with a standard search engine and picking the results from this site. Not sure why but it seems to get more specific results. Welcome and have fun reading.
Active member
your right on, first thing is give this sled a toal go through. especially that motor. 3:16x (yammie tony)
i would make shure the crank and bearings are good while it is torn down that far if it has been open that long.