Twisted srx
New member
Hello, I'm new to this site and recently purchased a 01 srx 700, so the sled seemed rich at idle and slightly above idle, it has the bender cold air kit and the air box is "modded" (has extra holes cut for more air flow) so I took the carbs off and it has #50 pilot jets, stock is a 40, it also has stock main jets. Looking for recommendations on jetting. Or should I ditch the cold air kit? Anybody have good or bad experiences with this kit?
A couple of bucks
VIP Member
Usually if you purchase a sled and the idle is cranked up, the P.O. increased the idle to compensate for the plugged pilot jets.
Active member
the pilots are that high because somebody has done alot of changes to this air box. starting with the cold air kit which dose work by the way. 3;16x (yammie tony)
Twisted srx
New member
It actually smells lIke fuel when it's idling, was thinking about going to a 47.5 or 45, it's just not as peppy as it should be it seems, also does the cold air kit require larger main jets? Thanks for the input!
Active member
yes it dose. i would drop to 47.5 but no lower. and this is for winter use. 3:16x (yammie tony)
Twisted srx
New member
I put in 47.5 pilots and also went one size up on all three main jets, went to clean the power valves and I have a pull through : ( so I need to get them repaired anyone have contact info for someone who repairs power valves?
Twisted srx
New member
Anyone know a simple way to adjust the cables for the power valves?
Twisted srx
New member
The air box still has the insert inside with the 3 tubes going down to the carb, does have rectangular holes cut in front of the rectangular holes that are there from factory, would the extra holes cut in the air box requireuch bigger pilot jets?
The way I adjust them is pulling off the exhaust flanges and adjust by feel. Others use a 2.5mm Allen behind the outer cup of the power valve. Both work. We tested both ways and they were very close. Just need to be careful not to over tighten the cables. Will cause pull throughs. Also make sure you advance the power valve motor and mark it. You can do this by choking and he sled and getting the idle down to 900 or so. Once you have it there mark it. When you are done adjusting and ready to run the sled. Keep the cover off and watch the servo. If it is twitching something is not adjusted right. To tight most likely. Readjust the cables. After a few times it becomes easier to do.
Twisted srx
New member
Ok thanks, I don't have the plug in deal to set the power valves per the service manual so that's what I'm going to have to do. Just debating on what to do about power valves now I messaged a member on here about having him repair my valves so I don't have to worry about pull throughs anymore but haven't heard back. New are 100 each ouch!
Twisted srx
New member
So when adjusting the powervalves with the 2.5mm allen wrench, you need to start the sled and get the idle at or below 900 rpm and then the servo will open fully? And with the servo fully open that's when you mark where the servo? And you check with the allen wrench wit the engine at 900 rpm? And what about the gasket in there? Is it 2.5mm with gasket or without?
Engine off when checking power valve.with everything together run engine down to 900 rpm and then kill the motor when servo is fully open. Then mark the servo so that if it moves while working o the valves you can reset back to your marks. Yes fully open. with gasket.
Twisted srx
New member
UPDATE! I replaced and adjusted the power valves, and rejetted, pilots at 47.5 and 1 size up on all 3 main jets idle air screw is either at 1 turn or 1 1/8 turn ( can't remember where I set them and it's impossible to adjust with carbs on the sled) seems to run way way better. : )
Question, would the one pulled thru valve cause poor running at idle low rpm?
Question, would the one pulled thru valve cause poor running at idle low rpm?