2000 srx with no spark


Jan 23, 2005
London On
Gents i am totally frustrated. Had to replace stator in my 2000 srx olins. Installed a new one and all was fine for about 5 pulls. Turns out after 5 pulls i had no spark again. So i started doing this :whine:with a lot of cursing. After pulling it all a part again, it turns out the flywheel had seperated in a small area and touch the stator shorting it out and cutting a nice groove in some of the stator windings. So I scrapped them out and got a brand new Yamaha stator and flywheel and installed it and...... "no spark" again. I tested stator and it is all in spec to the book. It is fine. tors is ok. by passed. They say check the cdi box. I "do not" have a cdi box. I only have a voltage regulator and a little white thingy beside it and that is located by the power valve unit. They say check for rub throughs especially under the engine. I have no wires at all that run under the engine. All other wires are in great shape. Completely lost as to where to go next and what else could cause all 3 cylinders not to spark. Any ideas will be greatly recieved. Cheers.:o|:o|:o|

I can assure you there's a CDI on that sled and the 2000 had a one off single year specific CDI so if you do get a spare to try make sure it is for a 2000.Start ruling out the peripherals like the key switch and kill button by unplugging them and rechecking for spark.Check your chassis ground for the wiring harness;it's by the power valve servo bolted to the frame.Rub throughs can be tricky to find and if you have to go through each wire one at a time and use an ohm metre to make sure there's continuity in the wires.
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the cdi box is located above the left footwell when sitting on the sled, you have to remove the screw for hood hold down pin and its under the plastic fascia there.

the wires that run under the engine are located by the recoil on the engine, you will see a couple large black covers on harness by coolant hoses, those are the stator plugs, tha harness which connects to those will go under the engine up to the hood, its under the engine where you have more then a 90% chance that's where your problem is, they ALL rub thru there at some point. Do a search on rub thru's theres instructions on how to repair it.
