Looking for suggestions on anyone s experience with octane boosters, who has the best product out there. I am looking to put a couple cans in my sled , I don't always trust all the old gas stations up north.
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lucas. give ya about 3 points. 3:16x (yammie tony)
I've used the torco accelerator and the Lucas with good results.
Anybody ever used Klotz? Feedbacks?
Anybody ever used Klotz? Feedbacks?
I've used klotz for about 10 years. No problems.
I did a bit of research on what's available in my area here in NB and NOS off road formula available at Canadian Tire will give as much as 4 or 5 true points,and that's something you need to make sure of.The advertised ratings of most boosters are actually only raising the octane number by 10ths of points and not full ones.Torco,Klotz and Amsoil boosters are a few of the others that raise the octane full points.
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