Carb cleaning


Oct 3, 2016
Toledo, OH
I cleaned the carb on my 2 vipers this weekend. did the one just fine then the other one when I pulled the fuel screw maybe it was the pilot ( believe it was that one can't remember) it had the spring and o ring on all 3 screws for each Carb. The first sled all of them were stuck in the hole so I didn't notice them. Questions is should I reclean those carbs and get the spring and o rings out and put back on the screw, if so any ticks on how to do this if they are stuck in there

Those are the fuel screws. Are you sure the springs and o rings were in the first set of carbs? If your not sure I would double check but its very possible they just stayed in the hole. You can just flip the carbs over to get to those screws. No need to take them all apart again.
