so long SRX


New member
Nov 18, 2005
Its a very mixed-emotion day. Sold my 2001 SRX today, she only had 4061km on it.The buyer has had several SRX over the years so in a funny way, it feels good that an SRX lover bought it.The news isn't all bad, as it is being replaced with a 2011 Nytro xtx thats clean as clean can get... looks brand new.Never had a 4-stroke sled, but I am pretty stoked to give it a go.. going to be a whole new worldI already somewhat regret selling the SRX, but wife said one or the other, and I need something more suited to back country and hauling / getting to my ice shack.

ya she was pretty clean and yes Ive been offered alot of money just for the belly pan in the past. AS you can see in my avatar, I had a 99 before the 2001 which also had white C&A skis.. she was pretty sharp, as was this one.

Ironically I came across the skid plate by accident while searching ebay way back when. wont lie, gonna miss that 2 stroke smell and the neck snapping power it had

You'll see a post on the classifieds shortly to clear out all the SRX parts I have. Have powervalves, carbs, servo, wiring harness etc etc
Eventually I will have a four stroke. But waiting to see what Yamaha is going to come out with for their anniversary addition. Then take out a second mortgage so I can have one. Lol.
Both those sleds are good clean looking sleds. You probably won't miss it for too long. Except for every time you get a wiff of a two stroke. lol
99% sure I've seen you around the northbay area on that sled as that's where i ride. Kinda waiting on yami to come out with a machine that suits my ridding style(2 stroke believer here lol) , im brand loyal but if that does not happen.....those doos look real nice.....
I know, I miss it already :(

Roudyroy, you're probably right... I didnt realize my SRX was as recognized around here as I thought... some guys replied to my kijiji ad saying they recognized the sled.

The nytro is crazy clean....

As for the wife, would cost me way more than an SRX if I sent her pakcing LOL
Also, I agree about an anniversary sled. I think a 2 stroke SRX in 2018 would be a great idea. All of us guys who love SRX's would be foaming at the mouth to get a new SRX if they came out with 20-yr anniversary one.
Sharp srx! I get it though, my sled is finally starting to feel old... A four stroke sled just isn't in my future. An Sba 144 just may be... Come on yamaha!!
