New member
So I removed a bolt from the front shock of my rear suspension out of my sled for no reason (was testing new impact gun, really dumb choice) I tried to get it back in and thought I lined up the thread correctly, but when I put it back it got to a certain point and just spun and when I try to take it out, it just spins. I decided to take the bolt out on the other side to try to equal things out, I heard that you could use a ratchet strap to try and compress the suspension into place, any ideas? the season is coming up and would really like to get this fixed ASAP.
Stuck Bolt-

Detached Side


Stuck Bolt-

Detached Side


Active member
you need to get the weight off the rear suspension, put it up on a lift or somthing. it helps to loosen off the bolts on the bottom of the transfer rods when pushing that middle mount up. i just lay beside the sled and with the air ratchet in one hand and the other pushing the mount into place and drive it home.
Backwoods M Max
New member
You most likely cross threaded the bolt, or rolled the threads of the bolt going through the steel backing plate the middle mount shaft sits in and the galled threads buried in the aluminum shaft and now it's stuck. Once you get it apart I would be surprise if you don't have to replace the shaft. I did it myself trying to put the suspension in without taking off the transfer rod bolts to unload the suspension. I caught myself before I drove the bolt home and had to chase it with a tap and die.