Heres one I don't think anyones covered any one got good tricks out there for getting rid of the scuff marks from covers when trailering? I have 3 Cobra windshields on our 3 sleds and there maybe 3 years old at the most and there looking kind of scuzzy from the covers, was thinking about maybe trying to use the Meguiars headlight repair kit stuff??
New member
Get a product from wizards, made specifically for motorcycle windshields it's called crystal clear
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rubbing compound 3:16x (yammie tony)
New member
Some rubbing compounds are too aggressive and will leave swirls in plastic
machine glaze works well, I use a buffer but you have to be carefull on edges. you can use by hand too with a terry type towel. machine glaze is available at any auto parts store.
Active member
I use a very fine sand paper, depends how deep scratches are, might start at 1000 grit and work my way up to 2500, then I buff with buffing compound to remove the fine scratches from the sand paper, works great but does take some time.
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another crazy folk lore somebody once said was tooth paste. 3:16x (yammie tony)