Calling all engine guys, I may have asked before and I did a search, but I havs 2000-2002 srx heads 22cc ready to go o. My sx viper I rebuilt, if I recall I think I was told to shave off .030 off the heads and to use the sx viper head gasket to run to the heads And be around the 130 Psi mark and still have proper squish and not mess with the band. Can someone plz verify. Ty
a stock viper head has the pto cylinder at 24cc the other two are 21cc stock. A 2000-02 srx head is 24cc, 98-99 srx head is 26cc. so youd need to mock up the head with the viper headgasket and see how much squish clearance you have, record the stock viper set up and then the srx set up and then you have an idea of how much youll need to machine off the head.Thats only 1/2 of the equation though, you still need to make the srx head to 21cc or where ever your goal is to be. One thing youll find is youll need to rechamber the head and machine the squishband for anything over about .028" and above as youll machine the edge right off it, meaning your bore diameter will be gone and smaller then original, you have to machine a step for the bore, or the piston can contact the head.
I didn't realize the srx heads were all 24 cc. I must of been mistaken. Thought it was a easier process then that, guess I'll be sticken with the original head for now. Just wanted to squeeze out a little bit more power out the little 700 mated with the slp pipes. For future reference, is 21 cc the heads I should be shooting for?
with todays lousy gas quality and the high ign timing on the viper cdi box you could stand to lower the compression a little bit over stock and get more reliability out of it without having to run it super rich on the jets just to keep it alive. A viper has higher compression then a srx in the center and mag cylinders, along with more ign advance, those are the same 2 cylinders in which I have 11 bad cranks sitting out under the bench from blow ups, so that should tell you something on which way to go.
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That sled should already have a ton of power with those pipes but if you want more maybe do some porting.