New member
I found a set of power inc. end dump pipes for my red head 700. The guy has the clutch set up and the jets he used on his sled. What are the pros and cons of triple pipes on this sled ? How much louder will it be ? I heard this were the best pipes out there for this sled. also I have some reed spacers , boysens reeds and a set of stock reeds that have had a notch cut in the reed stop for the rear transfer port. what would be the best intake set up ? I get all the intake stuff dirt cheap at a swap with a set of carbs , pile of clutch parts, brand new snow flap, hammer time clutch kit and lots of nos suspension bushings for $50
End dumps are good pipes. Louder than a stock sled for sure. How much? Hard to's subjective haha..triple pipes have there own unique sound.
Pros: more power, (something like +20-35hp depending on setup) sound amazing, I think most are lighter than stock complete exhaust.
Cons: make the sled more sensitive to temperature/altitude changes; fueling requirements (jetting) expensive and noise (for some)
info on jetting is on this site but if you live where the sled was ridden, his jetting is prob close. Triple pipes work as a system with the clutching, that all depends on the sled setup/use. Again if his sled is setup exactly like yours his clutching stuff might be good. You'll likely need secondary helix, spring & primary weights and or spring.
Tips on buying used pipes. Make sure there is no evident damage, cracked welds weird bends/crash damage ect, rusted through spots. Make sure they have the right manifolds/springs ect. Shake the silencers to see if they make any noise like a broken baffle. You can also tap or knock on the silencers, to see if they sound hollow (which would mean they need to be repacked)
These pipes are getting old and I've seen a lot of junk on CL. If you don't have the tools needed to repair pipes it's just another added expense, having a shop do it.
Use the reed spacers and the reeds that are in the best shape. You either notch or run spacers, not both. I don't mind boyesen reeds but the stock reeds are usually pretty good too.
Pros: more power, (something like +20-35hp depending on setup) sound amazing, I think most are lighter than stock complete exhaust.
Cons: make the sled more sensitive to temperature/altitude changes; fueling requirements (jetting) expensive and noise (for some)
info on jetting is on this site but if you live where the sled was ridden, his jetting is prob close. Triple pipes work as a system with the clutching, that all depends on the sled setup/use. Again if his sled is setup exactly like yours his clutching stuff might be good. You'll likely need secondary helix, spring & primary weights and or spring.
Tips on buying used pipes. Make sure there is no evident damage, cracked welds weird bends/crash damage ect, rusted through spots. Make sure they have the right manifolds/springs ect. Shake the silencers to see if they make any noise like a broken baffle. You can also tap or knock on the silencers, to see if they sound hollow (which would mean they need to be repacked)
These pipes are getting old and I've seen a lot of junk on CL. If you don't have the tools needed to repair pipes it's just another added expense, having a shop do it.
Use the reed spacers and the reeds that are in the best shape. You either notch or run spacers, not both. I don't mind boyesen reeds but the stock reeds are usually pretty good too.
Good pipes. Sounds great they are load after riding for a wile. 147.5 main jets 47.5 pilot jets don't recall the needle settings of too of my head. But toss them Hamer timer heal clickers and get 40 10
I found a set of power inc. end dump pipes for my red head 700. The guy has the clutch set up and the jets he used on his sled. What are the pros and cons of triple pipes on this sled ? How much louder will it be ? I heard this were the best pipes out there for this sled. also I have some reed spacers , boysens reeds and a set of stock reeds that have had a notch cut in the reed stop for the rear transfer port. what would be the best intake set up ? I get all the intake stuff dirt cheap at a swap with a set of carbs , pile of clutch parts, brand new snow flap, hammer time clutch kit and lots of nos suspension bushings for $50
I see your in new York, you will for sure be known that it has aftermarket exhaust on it with power inc end dumps, those are quite a bit louder then stock for sure.the y (new York dnr) was crackin down on the loud exhaust the last few times I rode there, instant tickets!
New member
maybe I should stay away from these pipes , I dont ride in the northern part of the state and have never seen any en con or sherifs on sleds. are there any tripple pipes for this sled that are pretty quiet ? Also whats wrong with the heel clicker clutch weights there brand new in the box ?
heel clcicker weights are awesome but stick to the 40-10 version of them, the hammertime and the early 2 speed weights had problems with the moveable heels coming apart and wrecking the clutchs. the 40-10 have no problems and are real performers.