More problems with my SRX


May 30, 2016
New Hampshire
So it seems as if when ever I fix something on this sled another thing breaks, last week I was having track issues and the simple fix for that was to tighten it so after that I rode it all day in our recent snow storm that night as I went to park it in my garage it started firing on 2 cylinders so I checked the spark and the middle cylinder is getting no spark, after that I was sum what frustrated so I left it parked and rode my ZR 900 for the rest of the weekend now I need to fix the srx and my question is, is this as simple as replacing the coil or do I have a blown stator or possibly other issues

Thanks, Antonio

Probably needs a new spark plug cap. The ngk's TB05EMA work well and are cheap. I would change all 3 if they are original. What year srx? Could also be rust on the flywheel magnets.
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Start with the basics. Are your spark plug caps new if not change them. Fresh spark plugs. Also measured ohms on your coils as to make sure they are good and within spec. Goodluck
I replaced all the plugs at the begining of the season to br9esc and checked to see if that one was fowled, it was not so i will start with the plug caps then flywheel, thank you for the responses and merry Christmas!!
It is most likely the plug caps and not the flywheel. I have had it happen and I thought I blew it up as I was at wot. lol
