1992 Phazer 2 primary clutch replacement?


New member
Feb 27, 2016
Canada, Quebec
I did a wee bit of reading and not sure where to go from here.

The spider shaft as rust and the sheaves cannot move freely. Last year the clutch wouldn't completely re-open, which was only an annoyance. But this year it got stuck engaged so I had to pull it out...

Here I am with the clutch out learning that you need special tool(or fabrication skills) to pull the sheave/clutch/spider apart.

So before I get into making myself a "grunt tool" for this job and possibly buying a rebuild kit. Can anybody tell me if I'm in for another surprise or will I be able to finish this job once i have it apart?
If the shaft is so rusted that it locks the sheaves, its time for a new clutch. Even if you clean it up the surface may be slightly rough and destroy your new bushings. If you clean it up so its smooth, the tolerance is gone and you may end up with a vibration and a grenaded clutch. I actually have a PZ II clutch here thats in decent shape. Not like the $150 rusted piles of crap on ebay.
So I would have to replace de shaft on top other things...

If you're willing to ship to Canada, we can discuss privately.

Also, what can I do to prevent this from happening on the next clutch?
