Clutch interchange Vmax4 and Viper/SRX

ac auto

New member
Jan 10, 2017
West Newfield, Maine
Hello All, first post but not first Yamaha, I have 10! Including 4 vmax4's. My question is are the clutches from other later Yamaha's (Viper/SXR/SRX) a direct swap onto the Vmax 4's? I have a 92 750, 94 750, 2 95 800's. Thanks.
No. Interferance with the fins on the Vmax-4 mag housing is an issue. Guys use them but need to shave down those fins.

Ok. thanks. What RPM should it run? I will be testing on my lake this weekend. Hopefully the warm weather during the week and the cold coming Friday will stiffen up the track I made last week (1/2 mile each direction)
Thanks man. Once I establish the engagement RPM, and the rpm it runs when hooked up I will be looking for your recommended trail clutching set up. Also I need to verify it has the correct Yamaha belt on it. Not trying to make a racer out of this one, just a good trail machine with a little informal lake runs against my brothers and friends.
The belt on it was a Gates "the sound of me gagging" All I have here is a spare from my parts sled. A 8BU-17641-01. Not sure If it is even for that sled. I do have an 8BU-00 on my 94 750 but that is at my house in MA. Will have to bring that sled to Maine next week but in the mean time I will order a new 8bu-00
Ok, first thing, The 800 is actually a 96. Built 5/95 which makes it a 96, I believe, but it was registered as a 95. Put a used 8bu belt on it. Engagement is about 3500, runs 8300 full throttle (short blast, all the snow is gone on the lake, only some short stretches of super hard pack on the trail behind my house) Was getting some track ratcheting when it hooked fairly hard. How tight should I be running the track or is something worn? Has a decent replacement 1/2" track with 96 blunted picks.
ac auto, did you really think I wouldn't find you here trying to get speed advice to try and beat your brothers!? Haha! YAMMIEGOD, no more tuning tips for this guy! He's my brother. :)
