In tank fuel filter obsolete? What to do?


Mar 10, 2015
Hunstville, Ontario
I know I could find some universal inline filters to back up the in tank but what about an intake filter?whats everyone using since oem is obsolete?
call around and find a yamaha one first if ya can. i tyed like hell to match up the srx one at auto parts store. not even close. 3:16x (yammie tony)
Yeah after checking partzilla I checked royal and didn't see a listing. Phoned dealer today and he's gonna see what he has and what he can get. I will report back when I find out.
I guess me being in the srx forum all the time has people confused. I posted this in the vmax 4 forum cause I'm talking about a vmax4 fuel filter. Sorry guys should have clarified lol!
Anyways the vmax4 filter is obsolete. It has 2 outlets on it due to the fact the sled has 2 fuel pumps. That other filter fits pretty much every sled known to man lol. It fits all of our other sleds exciter, Phazers, xlvs, and the srx. Vmax 4 Is the oddball
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Will 2 into 1 still provide enough fuel flow at high rpm?
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I see now that the "legs" are just fuel hoses, that makes everything easier, just use two regular filters then at the end, with longer fuel hoses and possibly some fittings.
all these suggestions are very much appreciated. didn't know barbed fittings came in soo many configurations! good to know!
worried about leaning out at high rpm with a "y" fitting though. for those that don't know, this sled comes with the old school splash tube style fuel filter housing. its a plastic pipe around the filter. I wouldn't be able to use this with 2 filters. I guess I could run two longer hoses to the bottom of the tank with elbow fittings and just have them sitting on the bottom of the tank like newer sleds (srx/viper/sx)??? will they interfere with sending unit lever/float?
Can you get a picture of the splash tube housing thing? I don't know with a v-max 4 but on an srx, it won't normally interfere with it, unless you make the hose go over and behind the float.
