Suspension question


Dec 29, 2011
north central Ohio
Should the strap adjusters be the same?

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Depends what you want the sled to do. loosening them will help in traction as it will help transfer the weight to the back of the sled, go the other way and you'll have less traction but more ski pressure for better steering.
I'm a newbie when it comes to suspensions. Never fooled with em. Guess I want the best of both lol. So would half be a good setting?

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I've got mine let down all the way and my transfer rods are set for full transfer, it hooks up good and steers good too. are you studded? does your sled have adjustable transfer rods?
Ok, I'd say let the one down that tighter than the other one and see how it works. You might want to try some adjust able transfer rods, they help a lot.
That's what I ended up doing. Try it and see how it works. Yeah I might look into that! Prolly next year. Our winter has sucked!! Hadn't gotten to ride once! Waiting for Michigan to get some and gonna go up there! Thanks for your help!! 👍

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You're welcome! We had awesome trails here till it warmed up. we got a little snow today and temps are dropping so hopefully they can get the trails open again soon!
