Hey all, tore down my 01 MM700 to straiten out my crank (had a shop do this for me) and did the reed notch during the rebuild. Took it out for a test and runs great. The only problem Im having is that when Im at speed and let off the throttle and coast, I cant get back up to speed until I slow completely down and the sled is at idle, then itll take off normally until I let off the throttle again. Im wondering if I forgot to adjust my jetting for the notched reed stopper or should I be looking at something else besides jetting. It sounds like its bogging out after coasting and hitting the throttle again. Any help would be appreciated, cause we finally got some snow and I need to ride.
What you describe sounds like TORS is activating, check your throttle cable adjustment/throttle lever free play at idle. The throttle cable should have plenty of slack at idle, more slack is better than not enough. Check your owners manual or can search on here for more adjustment specs and details.
Backwoods M Max
New member
Sounds like a tors issue. Does it act like it's hitting a rev limiter around 3000 rpm? If your cable slack is adjusted correctly you may need to remove the switch from the carb rack and clean it. I had to do mine 2 years ago. Btw ride with it long enough and it'll foul plugs. I "lived" with mine for most of the season then ended up with a plug fouled out and would drop that cylinder at idle and had reduced rpm on the top end. There should be no jetting required with the stopper notch, spacers or aftermarket reeds. They all increase flow into the transfer port to clean up the mid range burble that results from too much fuel and poor transfer into the port.
It may very well be the TORS system, but if it turns out to not be the TORS, it might be your secondary not backshifting. If it is the TORS if should rev limit just below engagement. If it revs fine but just seems in high gear, then it is likely your secondary. Also I have seen grooves in the weight arms in the primary act like this also. It just sticks in high gear unless you slow down enough to allow the spring to overcome the grooves.
Thanks for the quick reply guys, it was the TORS on the carbs. I loosed the throttle cable to the point of bottoming out the adjuster and still limiting revs, so I disconnected the wires to the carbs and bypassed TORS by connecting the wires coming from the sled to each other and now revs normal now. Aside from the safety feature of TORS would bypassing this way cause any damage to anything if I were to give it a test run???
No, it's just completing the circuit like the switch would.... Aside from the safety feature of TORS would bypassing this way cause any damage to anything if I were to give it a test run???