Thought this was interesting...


New member
Nov 24, 2004
Northern Illinois
Obviously we will know much more about the capabilities of these new sleds when the final production units will be released. However, I thought this was insightful since this is coming from someone who actually got to try one out. I will look forward to more Proto ride reports! (You lucky b%&*rds)!:mrgreen:

Some people have been PMing me asking if I have ridden the Nytro and what I thought. First of all, I rode prototypes and not to the extent or amount of time yet for a thorough eval. But for the impressions, I can spell out a few things for you trashers but you'll have to get the full skinny in our mag. I still have to sell magazines to keep my job.

Yamaha isn't necessarily making a claim that the Nytro is a ditch banger. I am. Yamaha positions it for "rough trail." It might not be a lightweight ditch-banger as compared to the likes of a Firecat, but this is the first four-stroke that I would consider hammering down a ditchline. What was the last Yamaha that a person could ride confidently and fearless through a mile-long stretch of two and three-foot moguls at 80 mph? I think the Nytro is the first, and I've done it. I couldn't have been more surprised at how well it did. I wished I had a MX Z X, Firecat SnoPro, and a Fusion to go through the same trail and rank them. I don't think the Nytro would finish last in that terrain, and all things equal it would keep up with any of the sleds I just mentioned.

Snowmobile News Moderator
Tim Erickson, Editor
Snow Goer and Snow Week magazines

Here is the link:

nice, now if we would ever get some F-ING snow in new york, i could justify buying an APEX RTX. untill then... anybody wanna buy a viper or vector???
