New member
Hello All,,This 02 MM700 motor will be going in my buggy I built,,the buggy weighs about 500lbs w/motor.and my weight is about 170..
it is made of all alum.The motor puts out about 152hp. at 8800rpm.I would like my engagement around 4300rpm.
After talking to some techs and reading Alot of material on clutching,, this is some of the set-up I have come up with::
On the Primary (05 RX-1) most are telling me that I want to use a weight that is light at the heel,so that I can spin up my rpm's quickly,due to having 25x10-12 rear tires w/aggressive tread,,
Some say 8CA's ,but more lean towards the 8DN-10's,,14.5 rollers and maybe a Y-S-Y spring (not sure at all on the spring)
Also not sure of a starting point ,,when it comes to rivets!!!!
On the Secondary (03 RX-1) I have been given advice to use a shallow helix (around 41/3
I have a 47/41 Hauck in it now. Not sure what spring to start with,,or what to wrap the spring to!!!!
I realize that there are a lot of unknowns to this,,but just looking at options for a possiable starting point???
Hope to hear from many of you on your ideas
Thanks Much,Mark
it is made of all alum.The motor puts out about 152hp. at 8800rpm.I would like my engagement around 4300rpm.
After talking to some techs and reading Alot of material on clutching,, this is some of the set-up I have come up with::
On the Primary (05 RX-1) most are telling me that I want to use a weight that is light at the heel,so that I can spin up my rpm's quickly,due to having 25x10-12 rear tires w/aggressive tread,,
Some say 8CA's ,but more lean towards the 8DN-10's,,14.5 rollers and maybe a Y-S-Y spring (not sure at all on the spring)
Also not sure of a starting point ,,when it comes to rivets!!!!
On the Secondary (03 RX-1) I have been given advice to use a shallow helix (around 41/3

I realize that there are a lot of unknowns to this,,but just looking at options for a possiable starting point???
Hope to hear from many of you on your ideas
Thanks Much,Mark
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New member
Not sure whats up with the smiley face,,but it should say 41/38!!!
The smaller rollers will make the setup hit harder and I believe you will have traction problems. If you have rollers now just use them and see what happens. in fact I would use everything you have before you buy anything will help, cant hurt to have a base line.
New member
The smaller rollers will make the setup hit harder and I believe you will have traction problems. If you have rollers now just use them and see
what happens. in fact I would use everything you have before you buy anything will help, cant hurt to have a base line.
Thanks Capt.
I understand what you are saying on the rollers,,reason I was leaning towards the smaller rollers was to get the tires moving quicker.
I have a new set of 8CA-00 weights ,,I think I will put them in ,with the rollers that are in the 05 RX-1 primary,and go with the springs I have also..See what it does. Do you think I should just start with the weights
Then I will have some #'s like you say,,,,Make adjustments from there!!!
Side Question:: I have electric start,and the RX-1 fixed sheave doesn't have the threaded holes for my ring gear,,Can I use the (fixed sheave) off the 02 mm700 primary that is on the motor now?? Any fitment or clutch balance issues??
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Clutches are definatly balanced, if you have a 152 hp I would think you will need some weights in there they are cheap and easy to change go to the dealer and get a bunch
A couple of bucks
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Clutches are definatly balanced, if you have a 152 hp I would think you will need some weights in there they are cheap and easy to change go to the dealer and get a bunch
Thanks Guys;;I found acouple places that will re-balance the clutch,,,,Do you think I should start with any rivets in the 8CA-00 weights,or just go empty?? There is a lot of testing to be done!!!
Next thing I have to consider is the diameter of the sprocket I will use on the main axle,since the lower gear in the chaincase is about 4 3/4",that is the size sprocket I am going to put on the shaft that had the clogs on it,,then go to a 8-10" on my main axle.
I believe this will be a low enough ratio,to turn my very aggressive 25" tires. Any thoughts on this ratio would be great also!!!!!!
PS When it comes to the rivets,,I see they have steel and steel w/hole..Which should I use and why?????
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Gearing affects clutching and rpm by MrViper700.htm
Rivets the ones with holes weight less
Have you spent much time in the tech section?
Rivets the ones with holes weight less
Have you spent much time in the tech section?
New member
Gearing affects clutching and rpm by MrViper700.htm
Rivets the ones with holes weight less
Have you spent much time in the tech section?
Sorry Capt. I have 6 -2" binders full of printed material from this site and others ,, i study this material a lot,I have the basics down,,now I just have to put this to real life usage and see what difference these changes will do in my particalure project.
After posting the question on gearing,,i found a site that allows me to input all the diameters of sprockets and It figures all the math for me,and gives me the final ratio #'s,,I will work off those!!!!
As far as the rivets,,i just missed the weight diff on the 17.2 ,,my fault ,,oh well...
Thanks for your help!!! I'll keep plugging along till I come up with a start point and make changes after that!!!
Thanks to all that looked at this thread ,and added there input:::
Hammer Down
Is this a sand rail or off road machine.? Let's see a pic
New member
Is this a sand rail or off road machine.? Let's see a pic
Just a Buggy,,but it is fun now even with only 45hp.Cant wait to see what it does with my triple in it!!!!
I plan on adding more to material around the roll-bar and seat area,and 4 new tires (different sizes) and all aluminum spoke rims this spring!!! And working on a design for fenders and rear suspension.
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