What is the best track for a 96 vmax600 xtc?


Aug 31, 2007
Milford PA
What is the best track for a 97 vmax600 xtc?

I don't want to stud it.
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1. Is this for a 96 XT or a 97 XTC. There was not a 96 XTC. Major difference in clearance at the front cooler between the pogos and the following models.
2. 121 I presume.
3. Where is most of your riding done. On, off , ditch, powder, corn field, gravel crossings etc etc.
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It is a 97 xtc. I ride the most on groomed trails. I would like better performance in deeper snow without studs. I am sick of studs going through my heat exchanger.
In that case, a Cobra or Ripsaw II would fit the bill. There are others .... but those two would be the top picks for me. You would obviously have to remove the protectors on the front heat exchanger. But your not running studs so that is a non issue. If it's mostly trail ... Cobra. 40% trail, 60% powder ... then I'd look and the Ripsaw II.
I've racked up 5000 kms of abuse on my Cobra track in two seasons. Still almost looks new. They are an excellent choice for On/ Off trail use.
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