scott riley
Has anyone looked into using different rods for the 750 or 800 to be able to use a 20mm wrist pin and therefore different pistons?
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I don't know of anyone who has.
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scott i believe in 94 the closet anybody came to this was wrist pin adapters to run 800 8bu jugs/ pistons on the 94 ,s . i guess sorta cheater sleds. lol. i can,t mention names. 3;16x (yammie tony)
hauck sells wristpin adaptors to be able to use 800 pistons on 750 rods. If you look in the wiseco catalogs you might be able to find a dirtbike piston or something that could work but youll need to pay attention to the compression distance on the piston and original stroke, if you get too far away youll need to build a spacer plate to time the piston to the cylinder.